Answers...To Almost All of Your Questions
If you’re on our website, you probably have somewhat of an idea about Maine Coons. Mostly, that they are big, and that’s intriguing enough to maybe consider them for your new pet. Maine Coons originated in the state of Maine many centuries ago. It is believed they were brought to our country on ships that explored the new world (think Vikings, Christopher Columbus, etc.). Hence, the “Maine” part. Now, the “Coons” part did not come from cats breeding raccoons, despite the rumors. Maine Coons are similar to raccoons in a few ways, Maine Coons love water and like to play in it, they are very good with their paws, i.e. grabbing food and eating from their paws, and some classic colored Maine Coons have a “V” marking on the outside of each eye, similar to the bandit mask a raccoon has.
Throughout history, the breed has evolved to tolerate the was and is still cold in Maine! They have extra fur tufts of hair between their toes and on the tips of their ears. We call this lynx tips or brushes on their ears. Their coat is very thick as well as their tails. Their coat and tail reaches full thickness around 2 years of age.
As you’ve figured out, Maine Coon Cats are one of the largest domestic breeds of cats. Hence, their nickname “Gentle Giants”. They grow extremely fast, but mature slowly. A male Maine Coon kitten can double in size (not weight) from 1-8 months. But wait....they aren’t done growing! Maine Coons grow until they are 4-5 years old. Males average 15-25 lbs depending on the size of their bone structure (or skeleton size, we call it). Females, of course, are smaller and average 12-17 lbs. We, at Salty Coons Cattery cannot guarantee the size your Maine Coon kitten will be, but our parents are large, which is a good indicator of the offspring’s adult size.
If you don’t want a cat that will be in your business, in your lap, and wanting to eat your sandwich, then maybe a Maine Coon isn’t for you. Maine Coons are very interactive with people, dogs, and other cats. Make time to spend time with your Maine Coon kitten everyday, and as they grow, they will be your best friend. If Maine Coons could bark, they would, because they are very similar to dogs. They are intelligent and most of them will fetch naturally, without training. They love to “talk” too. Even as young as 5 weeks, Maine Coon kittens begin to chirp or twill. This habit continues into adulthood, and believe me, you will find yourself carrying on a conversation with your cat frequently!
Our Waitlist opens 2-3 times per year. When it is open, the first step is completing the Waitlist Application. The application includes questions that will let us know the kind of life one or two of our Saltys would lead with you. Your answers provide pertinent information we need to help families choose their Salty! We rarely deny people, but if you work full-time outside of your home and don't have other pets to keep our Salty company, this is one of the reasons. Once you complete the Application, you will receive an email, which has more info including our price list. However, Don't be discouraged, because one litter can wipe out 1/2 the Waitlist! Once we’ve reviewed your Application, you are then cued up to get on the Waitlist. There is no financial obligation to be placed on our Waitlist. We just think it's unethical for you to pay for a kitten months before you have it. Upcoming litters are announced on FB, IG and our website. We do not take deposits without having an available kitten for you. When it's your "turn," you will be contacted at 8 weeks of age. We kindly ask, that if you are contacted, respond to the text, email, and/or phone call. No response is immediate removal from the list. You are allowed one pass only, then you are removed. And please, if your name is on the list, this means you are ready to buy a kitten not that you need more time to save money. Once you fall in love and commit to a Salty, there is non-refundable deposit required, and the balance is due on adoption day.
If you’re on our website, you probably have somewhat of an idea about Maine Coons. Mostly, that they are big, and that’s intriguing enough to maybe consider them for your new pet. Maine Coons originated in the state of Maine many centuries ago. It is believed they were brought to our country on ships that explored the new world (think Vikings, Christopher Columbus, etc.). Hence, the “Maine” part. Now, the “Coons” part did not come from cats breeding raccoons, despite the rumors. Maine Coons are similar to raccoons in a few ways, Maine Coons love water and like to play in it, they are very good with their paws, i.e. grabbing food and eating from their paws, and some classic colored Maine Coons have a “V” marking on the outside of each eye, similar to the bandit mask a raccoon has.
Throughout history, the breed has evolved to tolerate the was and is still cold in Maine! They have extra fur tufts of hair between their toes and on the tips of their ears. We call this lynx tips or brushes on their ears. Their coat is very thick as well as their tails. Their coat and tail reaches full thickness around 2 years of age.
As you’ve figured out, Maine Coon Cats are one of the largest domestic breeds of cats. Hence, their nickname “Gentle Giants”. They grow extremely fast, but mature slowly. A male Maine Coon kitten can double in size (not weight) from 1-8 months. But wait....they aren’t done growing! Maine Coons grow until they are 4-5 years old. Males average 15-25 lbs depending on the size of their bone structure (or skeleton size, we call it). Females, of course, are smaller and average 12-17 lbs. We, at Salty Coons Cattery cannot guarantee the size your Maine Coon kitten will be, but our parents are large, which is a good indicator of the offspring’s adult size.
If you don’t want a cat that will be in your business, in your lap, and wanting to eat your sandwich, then maybe a Maine Coon isn’t for you. Maine Coons are very interactive with people, dogs, and other cats. Make time to spend time with your Maine Coon kitten everyday, and as they grow, they will be your best friend. If Maine Coons could bark, they would, because they are very similar to dogs. They are intelligent and most of them will fetch naturally, without training. They love to “talk” too. Even as young as 5 weeks, Maine Coon kittens begin to chirp or twill. This habit continues into adulthood, and believe me, you will find yourself carrying on a conversation with your cat frequently!
The first step is completing our Contact Form. This form includes questions that will let us know the kind of life one or two of our Saltys would lead with you. This form gives pertinent information we need to help families choose their Salty! We rarely deny people, but if you work full-time outside of your home and don't have other pets to keep our Salty company, this is one of the reasons. Once you complete the Contact Form, you will receive an email titled The Salty Scoop, which has more info including our price list. Currently, our Waitlist is full. However, Don't be discouraged, because one litter can wipe out 1/2 the Waitlist! Once we’ve reviewed your Contact Form, you are then cued up to get on the Waitlist. As soon as a family gets their Salty Coon, we pull from the Contact Form. There is no financial obligation to be placed on our Waitlist. We just think it's unethical for you to pay for a kitten months before you have it. Upcoming litters are announced on FB, IG and our website. We do not take deposits without having an available kitten for you. When it's your "turn," you will be contacted at 8 weeks of age. We kindly ask, that if you are contacted, respond to the text, email, and/or phone call. No response is immediate removal from the list. You are allowed one pass only, then you are removed. And please, if your name is on the list, this means you are ready to buy a kitten not that you need more time to save money. Once you fall in love and commit to a Salty, there is non-refundable deposit required, and the balance is due on adoption day.
Yes, we do sell Breeding Rights on occasion when the situation feels right to us. If you want to talk about the possibilities, text Sabrina @ 813-957-5011, and we can schedule a phone call. This is a serious topic for us, and typically involves several detailed phone calls or texts. We are dedicated to only selling breeding rights to serious breeders or a serious start-up breeder with a good business plan in mind. We gladly mentor young breeders as well regardless if you own a Salty or not. We all need help every once in a while!